Help your pupils to take the plunge

Add value to your study program

Agreements between universities and schools.

We assist you in taking a qualitative leap to internationalisation of Education with Agreements and Partnerships amongst Universities and between schools.

Agreements between Spanish and British Universities

  • We help you to find the right British University to establish Partnership Agreements to enable your University to impart dual degree awards (Grado and Bachelor).
  • We make it possible for your pupils and Education graduates to have the opportunity of working in British Schools as Spanish Teaching Assistants with all their living expenses covered.

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Agreements between British and Spanish Schools

  • We help you to find the right British School so that your pupils can have an academic experience in Great Britain and have the opportunity to make a definite and significant improvement in their knowledge of the English language.
  • We make it possible, in collaboration with UP INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION, to find the best British Graduates in Education and bring them to your School as English Teaching Assistants.

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Education Legal advice

  • University Law.
  • Recognition of foreign university degrees.
  • Accreditation by Universities.
  • Agreements between educational institutions.

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